Friday, February 22, 2013


A bookworm in school, a nerd in college, a double doctorate and a professor of Physics - Karan was indeed a loner. He still wonders how Anukta said yes to him.

Since then, his ice-breaker with every new class has been, “You can't blame gravity for falling in love!”. The laughter continues thru the years.

Monday, February 18, 2013


The maroon silk saree, simple yet fine jewelry, a hint of makeup.  Anu dazzled like a princess.

The prospective groom & his family arrived.  The sweets and savories were served.   The dog and pony show ended.  Yet again!

Anu was ready to add to her list – the hundredth reason that makes her an unsuitable bride.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Stuffy nose and the perpetual sneezing. Samar was sleep deprived. To top that, Sana dint bother checking on him. No calls, just text messages. Something was not right.

"You haven't come to see me, Sweety. All ok?"

"You will hate me if I told you the truth. Just dint want to catch your cold, Baby."