Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alcazar Show (Cabaret) - Pattaya

Alcazar Cabaret of Pattaya is in equivalence to both Lido & Moulin Rouge of Paris. But Alcazar is different, that Lady-boys stage it.

The Alcazar that I visited in Sept 2007 features a Grand Theatre with a capacity of over 1000 seats. With state of art light & sound system featuring the ultra high tech "Circle surround sound DTS system" & the most modern technology. On the whole the lights, color & sound guarantee a stunning experience.

You will be entertained with music, lip syncs, dances and various shows played by many perfectly beautiful female actresses. If you are unaware of, you cannot imagine that these female actresses were actually male from origin!

The Phettrakul Family founded the Cabaret 20 years ago, which is located on Pattaya 2nd Road. If you are in Pattaya.... dont miss this show.

Identity Crisis

Whats it with nick-names?? Do they always have to have a story behind them? Ive come up with a lot of names for my friends and 'not-so-much-friends', but not all have a tale of their own.

The most common question thats put forth to me is "Why D run????"

The next time someone asks me this.... it will be a referral to this blog. Now don't blame me if its silly..... you asked for it!!! Also, aren't these supposed to be silly?

The time dates back to early 1995..... my good old days at Park Sheraton Chennai, with my good 'not-so-old' friends. I'd like to call reference to Puneet Dar (he was called Idhar Udhar) who owned a........

Lot of our outings were on bikes and for reasons best known to him, everytime I sat on my bike and he was starting his bullet, he would go Adrrrrrun..... Adrrrrrrun...

That over time become the ever popular DRUN !

Its been over 10 years with this name that folks at work dont relate to Arun. There are people who have denied working with 'Arun'.

Is this what Identity Crisis is all about? Or is this a solution to the problem???